The Ateliê Vivo is a public library of patterns and also a laboratory of textile and fashion practices. It emerged as a proposal of G>E_group beyond me_ for the Metacoletivo project of Casa do Povo.

The Ateliê Vivo worked with G>E from 2014 to 2018. It is now a strong and autonomous project, working in its own studio managed by Andrea Guerra, Carolina Cherubini, Fábio Lima Malheiros, Flávia Lobo de Felício, Gabriela Cherubini.

The objective is that people can intervene in the logic of the fashion industry by regaining knowledge and autonomy about the construction of a clothing. The public can choose a model, cut and sew their own clothes.

The points that should be highlighted about Ateliê Vivo:

/Act in a lively and active mode in the fashion cycle;
/intervene in the logic of the fashion production process;
/manual process.
/autonomy in the construction of an outfit;

 2015 to 2018
pattern public library
Coordenators: Andrea Guerra, Carolina Cherubini, Fábio Lima Malheiros, Flavia Lobo de Felício, Gabriela Cherubini
photos: Mariane Lima